
I am Maneesha Mukhi and I help entrepreneurs + lawyers build online authority so they can attract clients with ease.

Since we are meeting for the first time, I wanted us to get to know each other. I am an entrepreneur and serial learner with nearly a decade of experience in digital marketing. I was lucky enough to grow up in 6 countries, which no doubt shaped who I am today. 🌍

For as long as I can remember, I have loved connecting the dots for people and empowering them to move forward. Social impact is at the core of everything I do. After a decade in Corporate America, an MBA and severe burnout, I decided to forge a new path in 2014 and haven’t looked back since.

I received the most humbling education I could have asked for at 3 start-ups (one of which is my own) & a nonprofit. Nothing prepares you to run a business other than running a business. After connecting the dots for thousands of people across 3 different industries, I had an ah-a moment 💡

Today, I help lawyers build online authority so they can be seen in a crowded world. I understand the struggle of building an online presence and teach everything I wish I knew when I first started.

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